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Entries Tagged as 'Puerto Rico'

Heading Back to the Mainland…

April 19th, 2008 · No Comments

Heading Back to the Mainland… Originally uploaded by Correa Another beautiful day in Isla Nena (Vieques). Today I’m heading back to the mainland (Puerto Rico).


Tags: Puerto Rico

Primos Casa

April 19th, 2008 · No Comments

Primos Casa Originally uploaded by Correa This is my primos casa (cousins house) in Vieques. As you can see it’s under construction. He’s adding another floor.


Tags: Puerto Rico

View from Fort Mirasol

April 18th, 2008 · No Comments

View from Fort Mirasol Originally uploaded by Correa I’m waiting for the Vieques Cultural Festival to begin and figured I’d share a shot of the view…it’s amazing!


Tags: Puerto Rico

My Tios f/Vieques

April 18th, 2008 · No Comments

My Tios f/Vieques Originally uploaded by Correa These are my two uncles. The one on the left (Manuel) was born and raised in Vieques an the one on the left (Hector) is a part-time resident.


Tags: Puerto Rico

Hoping I don’t get sick…

April 18th, 2008 · No Comments

Hoping I don’t get sick… Originally uploaded by Correa I’m a little worried about getting sea sick but the heck with it, I’m going with the flow. No pun intended. Wish me luck, I’m hoping that I don’t throw up in this beautiful body of water.


Tags: Puerto Rico

On our way to Vieques…

April 18th, 2008 · No Comments

On our way to Vieques… Originally uploaded by Correa I’m at the lancha (ferry) terminal waiting for boarding with my uncle Hector. We’ll be in Vieques by 11:00.


Tags: Puerto Rico

My uncles house…

April 17th, 2008 · No Comments

My uncles house… Originally uploaded by Correa This is the house that my uncle lives in. The area looks like something straight out of the Flinstones!


Tags: Puerto Rico


April 17th, 2008 · No Comments

Terminal Originally uploaded by Correa This is the transportation terminal…when u enter it’s basically a parking lot for carro publicos (public taxis) that take up to 12 passengers at a time to different parts of the eastern coastline of PR.


Tags: Puerto Rico

Bayamon Stop

April 17th, 2008 · No Comments

Bayamon Stop Originally uploaded by Correa On the new train in Puerto Rico for the first time. First stop is Bayamon which is where we got on. We’re on our way to Rio Piedras to visit family.


Tags: Puerto Rico

My Feet after a day @ the beach…

April 16th, 2008 · 1 Comment

My Feet after a day @ the beach… Originally uploaded by Correa You can see the tan lines on my feet. This was only a few hours after sitting in the sun.


Tags: Puerto Rico