Almost there!
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So I haven’t updated my website in over a year…it’s been a rough one! BUT…in 4 days I’ll be heading 2 PR for the 1st time in 5 years! I’m a little bit heavier (ok, a lot heavier) but I’m gonna have a good time regardless. This will b the 1st time I go on vacation by myself and although I love my kids, I believe I need this alone time. I’ll be keeping a daily on-line journal right here and I hope to blog a minimum of 3-4 times a day. Check back on 4/21…I’ll b in PR b4 lunch! 😉
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Well, it is that time of the year again….time to reflect on the year past. So here it is….2006, the good, the bad, and the downright UGLY!
Happy ’06 memories:
– My baby was born on 8/1/06. Matthew, you are my newest reason for living!
– I interviewed with Donald Trump’s right hand man (haven’t been called back) and I have to say that it was pretty cool!
– Thinking about my oldest son graduating from HS and moving on to college! I’m very proud of his accomplishments!
– I’ve been very organized this year and have a file cabinet (thanks Mik!) with all my stuff in order!
– I’m in the process of painting my apartment and should be finished by the end of the year
Sad ’06 memories:
’07 Resolutions:
I feel as though ’07 will be my year to improve my life! I’m going to make that happen if it’s the last thing I do!
– Accomplish some educational
– Work! Changes need to be made!
– Weight…I plan on starting to exercise again and getting back into shape. This has been on my list before 🙁 but I hope to actually accomplish!
Despite a few things I want to tweak for the new year, I AM LOVING MY LIFE!!! As I continue to recall things and create new memories, I will add to this section, so stay tuned! ; )
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Old school—
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OMG! My kids have grown.
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“To be nobody but yourself in a world that’s doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to have to fight.”
Never Stop Fighting – Tito Ortiz
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