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3rd NY Yankee podcast coming soon!

July 13th, 2005 · 2 Comments

Sunday, I will be recording my 3rd podcast at a very good friends house. He is a die hard Yankee fan and only in a true Yankee fans house would you see signs like these:

Be on the lookout for highlights of the weekend and an interview with my friend Tony! In the meantime, download and enjoy my 2nd NY Yankee podcast:

You can add the feed to your podcast aggregator by clicking below or add it to iTunes (search for NY Yankee Podcast) 🙂
NY Yankee Podcast Feed

P.S. American League won the All-Star game 7-5!

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2nd Recording of NY Yankee Podcast

July 12th, 2005 · 5 Comments

Here it is…the much anticipated 2nd recording of the NY Yankee Podcast! Please note that this is just a pre all-star tease with current standing and stats. On Sunday, after the 4 game series with the Boston Red Sox, I will be recording NY Yankee Podcast #3! We should be in 1st place by then and boy would I love to brag about it. For now, please enjoy the 2nd recording…

You can add the feed to your podcast aggregator by clicking below or add it to iTunes 🙂
NY Yankee Podcast Feed

A huge shout out to my dear friend Diana! She hosts my website and with the demand for my Yankee podcast, I exceeded the bandwith limit on my site (a few times) but Diana worked night and day (with a little exaggeration) to get my site and podcast up and running for all to enjoy! Thanks again, D!

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A new recording coming soon…

July 6th, 2005 · No Comments

Welcome iTunes Music Store visitors. Thanks for coming to my site via the new Podcasting feature in the iTMS. My life has been a bit hectic lately so I haven’t been able to keep up with the podcasting on the regular basis I had wished I will be resuming podcasts this weekend. So please come back and check out the latest edition. Feel free to drop a line. Thanks for all the e-mails and for all your support!

Yankee Podcast

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Vacation Day #3

April 27th, 2005 · No Comments

Slept on and off until about 2:00 p.m. Then got up to start cleaning my apartment. Woke the kids up so that they could clean the rooms and sort out the clothes for washing. Washed clothes and started packing for our journey to Washington, D.C.

We are going to create some maps and itineraries. A little input from each of us as to what we would like to see and or visit while in D.C.

If I’m able to acquire a wireless internet connection, I’ll update daily. Otherwise, I’ll update when I get back with a ton of pics.

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Vacation Day #2

April 26th, 2005 · No Comments

Yankee Stadium Tour-

My Dad, Son, Daughter and myself attended.

It was really cool to see how the press box was set up! We saw where George Steinbrenner and Brian Cashman sit and an up close of Eddie Layton’s organ and office! We also saw the office of the man known as the “Voice of Yankee Stadium”, Bob Sheppard.

Then we headed down to the dugout! I can’t tell you how cool that was! So many games you watch and to think that we were sitting where a 200 million dollar team of baseball players sits was too cool! You’ll see a good pic of my dad, he was really paying attention to the tour guide who taught us all a lot about Yankee stadium.

Next, we visited the infamous Monument Park! This was the best part of the tour. We read all the monuments and took a bunch of pics. We also were able to view the monument that was unveiled on 9/11/2000. We were at that game live, when the announcement was made that a monument had been erected and would be unveiled before the game in rememberance of 9/11. That night was special because I had my name lit up on the scoreboard. Anyway, it was cool to see the monument up close and be able to take a picture of it for memories.

So at the end of the hour, yes, that’s all it took was an hour… We learned a few things about the history of Yankee Stadium and we were able to visit areas of the Stadium that we otherwise would never be able visit. It was worth the few bucks that the tickets cost.

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Vacation Day #1

April 26th, 2005 · No Comments

I haven’t posted since 4/3! Well, yesterday started my 1st week of vacation for the 2005 year. I spent yesterday at the DMV with my son, Chris, who turned 16 earlier this year. He took the the test for the junior learners permit and PASSED. I was soooo nervous for him while he was testing.

Anyway, Tuesday we are heading to Yankee Stadium to tour the press box, dugout and monument park. Then we are going to the movies to see Amityville Horror House.

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Yankees are getting the broom ready…

April 5th, 2005 · 2 Comments

I didn’t want anyone to think that I was slacking on my podcast recording. I’m waiting for the Yanks to sweep Boston and then I will be recording a podcast that will cover all three games. Man, oh man! What a way to start the season!

You can add the feed to your podcast aggregator by clicking below:
NY Yankee Podcast Feed

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Baseball Season Starts Today!!!

April 3rd, 2005 · 1 Comment

I’m so excited that baseball season starts today! What better way to kick it off than to play the Boston Red Sucks on opening day @ Yankee stadium! Let’s go Yankees!!!

It also gives me the opportunity to update my Yankee podcast and get some info out there to the Yankee fans who do the podcasting thing. Btw, I’ll be adding a Yankee schedule to my site soon so be on the lookout.

Yankee baseball is like therapy for me. It allows me to forget about my personal issues for a few hours each game. 🙂

Don’t forget you can click your way into my NY Yankee podcast by clicking the link below. Or if you want to listen to it here than click on the little custom Yankee icon that a very good friend of mine made for me…

You can add the feed to your podcast aggregator by clicking below:
NY Yankee Podcast Feed

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Podcasting rocks!

April 1st, 2005 · 2 Comments

Okay, so my NY Yankee Podcast is not listed at and at! I’m excited as hell and can’t wait to start my next recording. I’ve got so much stuff to discuss that I want to start recording right now.

You can add the feed to Ipodder by adding the following link:
NY Yankee Podcast Feed

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# 58 in the sports section…

March 31st, 2005 · 1 Comment

Well, now I’m even more excited! My podcast was accepted over at! I’m number 58 in the Sports section.

Now I’m going to go and try and get it listed on! I’ll keep you guys posted.

Thanks for reading…

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