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Haven’t logged in a while

March 3rd, 2005 · 4 Comments

I haven’t had the time to log in a few days! Actually, it’s been more like a couple of weeks! So, this is my week with my kids. It’s the week that I sleep the best and feel the happiest when I’m awake!

Last night I decided to try and cook rice and beans for the first time in my life. For those of you that don’t know it, rice and beans is pretty much what Puerto Ricans live off of. I have to say that I did a damn good job! The rice came out perfect (I made a little too much) and the beans were on the money. I threw in a little salad for the kids (I don’t eat salad) and we had a pretty decent home cooked Puerto Rican style meal!

p.s. right now I’m having cafe con leche, it’s Puerto Rican style coffee. I’ve become pretty good at making that just right also. 🙂

Anyway, gotta get the kids outta here and to school on time…

Tags: General

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